Saturday, January 3, 2009

Poor Hubby, lol

She has latched onto Hubby big time! He can't go anywhere near her cage without giving her attention. She won't let him pick her up but she will go onto his shoulder if he presents it.

I'm so happy she took to someone (although I will admit I'm a bit jealous!)

I learned last night that her breed are escape artists. I guess they can even pick the cage locks that some cages have. Although I'm almost always home, I'm going to pick up a padlock for when we are away for her own safety.

Right now she has a "fuzz". They are feathers but they are down feathering. The full feathers are starting to grow back but it will take time. She has a full head of feathers since she can't reach them with her beak. She was completely bare with wounds when first rescued as I understand it.

My Mom got into adopting rescued birds a while back and has birds ranging from little parakeets up to large parrots. China is my first bird larger than a 'tiel but I have lots of experience with Mom's birds. As well as mishaps

Maggie, one of Mom's parrots pealed the top of my finger back today because I let my attention wander for a moment while playing tug-of-war with her. She's a biter anyways but she didn't do it this time on purpose. It may have been less severe if she had!

She was biting and tugging more than she would have if just biting! She thought she had the rope but had missed. As soon as she realized what was happening she let go but she's a big bird with a big bite. She nicked the blood vessel that runs across the top of the finger and I had a hard time getting it to stop bleeding.

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