Friday, January 2, 2009

China made a friend!

China has decided that there is one person on the planet, after all, that can pet her. Hubby. So now Mr. I-Don't-Like-Animals is all gushy over her

She gets in the corner and trembles if I get close to the cage but she watches me carefully when I'm in the room and responds to my talking as long as I'm not right at the cage. She also watches carefully how I interact with my other birds and that does seem to have an influence on her.

I'm going to take things slow and steady. Aside from the kids giving her treats, I will be sole food provider and caretaker so she learns I'm the one that she needs to rely on and trust for food and water.

It took over a year for Ginny, the rescue kitty we took in, to come into the room with the kids out here and let me really handle her so I'm not afraid to give China all the time she needs.

I'll get pics when I feel she can handle that attention. She is extremely nervous right now. I was going to move her to a different room that wasn't quite so busy but I think she is actually enjoying all the action. She watches EVERYTHING with great interest. She even tries peeking around things in her way to see what's going on!

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